Registrations and payment process open TTSP2023

Registrations and payment process open TTSP2023

Hí ,: Registration and payment process has started, you idn or passport number is the password to access the system REGISTRATIONS OPEN The time scale for making payment will be from 28th February to  7th March, once the payment time limit is reached, the payment...

Inscripciones abiertas, formalización inscripción y pago TTSP2023

Inscripciones abiertas, formalización inscripción y pago TTSP2023

La inscripción, el proceso de pago se ha iniciado. Todos los admitidos en esta primera tanda con su  dni/pasaporte podrán acceder  al sistema de pago, aquí está el enlace: INSCRIPCIONES 2023 El plazo para realizar el pago es el hoy día 28 de febrero hasta el 7 de...

The lucky number in the draw has been 941

The lucky number in the draw has been 941

The lucky number in the draw has been 941, they have achieved a place to participate from number 941 to 2341 congratulations and keep on training! If you do not remember number here you can check it:

El número afortunado en el sorteo ha sido el 941.

El número afortunado en el sorteo ha sido el 941.

El número afortunado ha sido  el 941, han conseguido plaza del 941  al 2341 ¡Enhorabuena y a entrenar! Si no recordáis número aquí lo podéis comprobar: Tened paciencia, nos pondremos en contacto con los afortunados vía email, a través de la...

The pre-registration process 2023 has finished.

The pre-registration process 2023 has finished.

The 2023 pre-registration process has ended with a number of registrations of 2663 pre-registrations. Percentages between women and men have been the same since the beginning, with 24% women and 76% men from 39 provinces of Spain and 16 countries. Thank you very much...

El proceso de pre-inscripciones 2023 ha finalizado.

El proceso de pre-inscripciones 2023 ha finalizado.

El proceso de preinscripciones 2023 ha finalizado con un número  de registros de 2663 pre-inscripciones. Los porcentajes entre mujeres y hombre se han mantenido desde el inicio de las mismas, con  un 24%  de mujeres y 76 %  de hombres procedentes de 39 provincias y 16...

Tomorrow is the last day to pre-register

Tomorrow is the last day to pre-register

Information of interest: The pre-registration period ends tomorrow, Thursday the 23rd at 12:00 p.m.! There are already more than 2,500 pre-registered, that’s a lot of people, right! Good luck in the draw.

Information has been sent to an inappropriate database.

Dear participants. We want to inform you that there has been mistake. Information has been sent to an inappropriate database. We regret the confusion, we encourage you to participate in the 2023 swim. We apologize for the confusion generated You can already...