Be on time,  05:40a.m, at the meeting point at the harbour in Santa Pola, in the “Tabarca” area (ferry boat docking point) Between Miramar and Batiste Restaurant. (coordinates : 38.19050191596902,-0.5584144592285156)

Parking areas available: Harbour area FREE, Amfisa harbour Payable, Castle Payable, Red Cross Free

Please present your ID or passport  where race numbers are handed out.

You will be marked on arm with your entry number.

You will be handed:

  • A small rucksack, or similar.
  • A swimming cap bearing your entry number.
  • Buoy bearing your entry number
  • A control Chip.
  • A safety whistle.
  • 2 check markers, with your entry number, one for the rucksack which you take with you to the island and one for the rucksack you leave behind holding your personal belongings.

When you board, you must take with you: buoy, swimsuit, T-shirt, flip-flops, swimming glasses , Vaseline and the small rucksack for leaving your belongings behind. JUST THEES THINGS ONLY, NO TRAINERS, NO SWEATSHIRTS.

Safety buoy provided by the organization; only this particular buoy can be used, which is mandatory for all participants and also throughout all the swim. If for any reason any participant  loses  the buoy, the swimmer must decide to stop immediately and request the assistance of a safety boat.  Any participant who swims or reaches the finish line without the buoy will be disqualified.

The cap serves just like a bib number. Do not throw it away when you arrive at the finish line, this will give you all the privileges accorded to a competitor.

The whistle must only be used for absolute emergencies.

The locator chip, which bears your details, must be placed on your ankle, by carefully adjusting the velcro to suit. If you abandon the race, please hand the chip to organisers in the boat.

The  ferries will set off  from 06.00 hrs and the last one at 06.40 hrs.

When you get to the harbour on Tabarca, you will leave the rucksack with your belongings in the specially numbered receptacles

At the start you have to place yourself at you available time.

The start will be aural, this being on the shore.

The route to be followed will be duly marked with buoys and special balloons, being the shortest and safest one.

At three kilometres point, there will be a water station.

Control time in every kilometric point,  If you do not make it within the established time, the organisers will pick you up. For example not being able to do it in less than 1:45h to reach half-way.

At the Finishing Line,  you have to hand over your buoy and chip